Saturday 7 November 2015

15 Signs that shows somebody likes you

Signs that shows somebody likes you

Here is the list of 20 points.
  1. The person will stand closer to youIf a person likes you then most probably he will stand close to you without realizing. By invading your private space this person will think that he is getting closer to you
  2. The person will touch his brows
    If a person touched his brows after you said something then this means that the thing you said appealed to them. If a person touches his brows often in your presence then it could be a sign that this person likes you.
  3. Tossing the hair backwards (Women)
    When a woman finds a person interesting she might toss her hair backwards revealing parts of her skin. If this gesture was done more than once in the presence of a man then this woman might be interested in that man .
  4. Will keep you in the line of sight
    If a person likes you then this person will keep you in his line of sight as much as possible. Even if that person was standing far away he will still face you with his body to keep you in his line of sight.
  5. A genuine smile will affect facial muscles
    If a person smiled to you then the muscles around his eyes should move. If a person smiled with his mouth only then the smile might not be that genuine.
  6. Smile lasts for long
    If a person likes you and you said something that made him smile then his smile will last for sometime. The more the person keeps smiling the more likely is it to be a sign of interest .
  7. Smiling for no reason
    If a person likes you then he will smile for no reason in your pretense. The more the person smiles the more likely it is a sign that he likes you .
  8. Pupil dialiation
    According to body langue a person's pupil dilates when he sees something that he likes. If a person's pupil dilates in your pretense then this might be a strong sign of interest .
  9. Shinning eyes
    If a person likes you then his eyes might shine in your presence.
  10. Looking at you after saying a joke
    If a person likes you then he will look at back right after saying a joke to check whether you liked it or not.
  11. Mentioning you in your absense
    When a person likes somebody then most probably he will mention him in his absence. In such a case that person will try to talk about his crush by saying anything related to him even if it wasn't a compliment.
  12. Grouping you together
    If a person likes you then he might put himself with you in a group as he speaks. For example saying something like 'Me and Janna like swimming' or 'We both hate Spanish' are examples of grouping that could indicate the presence of interest.
  13. Spending their time doing your tasks
    A person who likes you will most probably spend much of his time getting your important goals done. If someone is sacrificing a lot of his time for you then it might be a sign of interest.
  14. Hardly yawning in your presense
    If a person likes you then he will hardly get bored in your presence. While there are many possible reasons for yawning some body language experts claim that it's a sign of boredom. If that theory is true then this person will hardly yawn in your presence.
  15. Complementing you often
    If a person is into you then he might complement you often. While the absence of this sign is not an indication of anything it's presence usually indicates interest .
  16. Meeting you by coincidence many times
    If a person likes you then most probably he will change his schedule to bump into you more often .
  17. Will keep asking questions
    If a person is interested in you then he will keep asking questions and as a result a conversation with that person might take longer than expected .
  18. Will use your name more often
    If a person likes you then he will use your name more often. People usually feel better when they call the ones they like by name .
  19. Will ask for another meeting
    If a person liked you then he will try to find any other excuse to meet you again.
  20. Remembering all the small details of your talk
    If a person is into you then he will remember all of the small details you mentioned while talking to him .

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